With the evolution of video on the internet, sites like YouTube and Yahoo video make it very easy to upload a video. In the employment world, we are seeing video resumes gaining a little traction. Here are a couple of examples:
Video Resume 1
Video Resume 2
Video Resume 3
So what do you think? Can you see yourself starring in your own video resume? It certainly is intriguing but before you jump in front of that camera, you may want to make sure you consider the following.
1) Will you be able to make a professional video resume that will enhance your background?
2) Do you think an employer may look at your video and decide not to interview you because of something you said in the video? In other words, videos are a one way. You do not have the opportunity to answer specific questions as you would in an interview.
3) Will the employer think you are acting? In the examples above, each one has a different “feel”.
4) Will employers even look at a video resume since they have hundreds of applications already? It would take forever if everyone had a video resume.
5) Can you make changes to your video resume to better “fit” the company you are applying to?
Video resumes have been around for years. They are getting some traction now just because it easier than ever to upload video to the internet. While I think we will all have our own online personal career site with resume, video and letters of recommendations, I think employers are still over whelmed with the data they already receive from candidates. A well written resume with CLEAR objectives will always get the attention of an employer. It will be up to you if you want to throw in a video resume as well before they face to face interview.