What a year it has been. As I sit in my office looking at all kinds of statistics, you would think that Orlando and the entire Central Florida area may never recover from the current trend of rising unemployment and underemployment.
So what is the good news? Since 1950, there have been eleven significant “recessions” and thankfully, eleven recoveries. Each recovery was stronger and lasted longer than the one before it. And with each recession, we learned a lot about the short term and the long term. Today, I want to share with you my Central Florida outlook on employment and what you can do to make sure you capitalize on the next recovery.
1. For the first time in 10 years, more people are moving out of Florida then becoming residents. I think this is due to high cost of real estate and the lack of high paying jobs. No matter what, this will help stabilize the workforce and provide a better variety of jobs.
2. Gas Prices. Thankfully, they are down and this will help drive the cost of goods and services down as well. I also think that our number one industry, hospitality, will see an increase in visitors from the east coast. Today, hotel occupancy in Central Florida is 53%. It is a slow time anyway for the industry, but hopefully it will pick up swiftly with the discounted vacation packages and low gas prices in 2009.
3. If you have a current job at a company that has been cutting back employees, it is now your time to shine and really showcase your value. Yes, you may be doing the work of two or three, but when the economy gets back normal, you can position yourself to advance your career.
4. If you have been laid off or underemployed, your good news is that you now have a chance to re-evaluate your job and career choice. Did you enjoy your job? Were you “world class” in your job? Did you take advantage of all training and education the company offered? No matter what, if you don’t have a job, you are not feeling well. However, you can take this time to research and discover what you want your next job to be to make sure your career sky rockets with the recovering economy.
5. Education. Central Florida boasts numerous education facilities that have classes and degrees in all areas. Research these schools and indentify programs that will get you excited about your career. Most schools have tuition assistance.
6. Job Seeker Resources. If you are looking for a new job, use job boards like OrlandoJobs.com. The good news is now you can start indentifying companies through sites like Hoover, LinkedIn and Facebook. Also, subscribe to the Orlando Business Journal and keep up with companies on the move in Central Florida. We also have a lot of new companies moving to the Orlando area and you can find out about that through the Orlando Economic Development Commission.
7. Friends and Networking. The good news is that 65% of all hires at any company are by word of mouth. Talk with your friends and neighbors and find out where they currently work. Take that information, research that company and if your background is any type of fit, have your friend refer you into the company.
Overall Outlook for Jobs in Central Florida:
Just like after September 11, we learned with have to compliment the Hospitality industry with other types of business. Central Florida has done a great job of bringing companies like Burnham, UCF Medical School, Nemours, technology companies and education facilities like Kaplan. We are also watching the reality of Innovation Way beginning to evolve. Any new or expanded industry creates jobs.
Central Florida is a GREAT place for companies to do business. Not only is it warm most of the year, it has very favorable tax laws and a very good talent base. I think when the economy gets rolling; Central Florida will recover faster than many of our friends in other cities.
Finally, history repeats itself. I just want you to be ready for the 12th recovery so you can take total advantage of your career path. At OrlandoJobs.com, my staff spends every day working with Human Resource Directors from many industries talking about their hiring needs. While a lot of companies are sitting on the sidelines, they are not preaching gloom and doom. And that is very good news for everyone. Please contact me if you have any questions or comments.
www.OrlandoJobs.com Welcome to the Orlando Jobs Blog. We are excited to present real life answers to many career questions. Please email Roger Lear (roger@orlandojobs.com) with your questions!
Friday, December 26, 2008
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Orlando Jobs has Fun at Annual Winter Park Christmas Parade!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Gobble Fest 2008 at Orlando Jobs . com
Once a year, OrlandoJobs.com, GreatInsuranceJobs.com and Lear & Associates celebrate Gobble Fest at the Orlando Jobs building in downtown Orlando.
This year, with the economic difficulties of our country and the effect it has on jobs, it was an especially nice time to reflect on how thankful we are that a lot our clients are still hiring! The group of people you see in these pictures are the "front lines" that spend their days working with these clients to bring you the best jobs in Central Florida.

Our Team!
Gobble Fest 2008!
This year, with the economic difficulties of our country and the effect it has on jobs, it was an especially nice time to reflect on how thankful we are that a lot our clients are still hiring! The group of people you see in these pictures are the "front lines" that spend their days working with these clients to bring you the best jobs in Central Florida.
Our staff wishes you a very good Thanksgiving Holiday. We hope that you find the job you seek, and we will do whatever we can to make that happen!
Our Team!
(Co-founders Scott Kotroba and Roger Lear)
Happy Thanksgiving!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Orlando Jobs report by FOX 35 News!

As the Central Florida unemployment rate continues to rise, job seekers are finding the amount and type of jobs available are very light. OrlandoJobs.com attended 2 different career fairs this week and talked to a lot of great people looking for jobs.
Fox 35 News was at the Seminole Community College Job Fair and interviewed one of our own, Stuart Raskin. Click on the link to view the story.
Friday, November 07, 2008
How can the Presidential Election Help your Job Search?
No matter who you voted for this week, believe it or not, elections are not unlike your own job search. You are on the campaign trail, getting in front of companies; letting them know where you have been and what you have done.
More importantly, just like our presidential candidates, you also have to let employers know how you will perform in the future. And this is exactly what will get you elected into your next job. I think a lot of job seekers do not spend enough time, before an interview, preparing their "speech" to a particular company; outlining the value he/she will bring to that company if employed.
It is your future value to a company that will get you hired. Here are some tips on how you can prepare for your speech (interview) to potential employers.
1. Really understand how the company that you are interviewing with makes money.Research the company using sites like Hoovers and Marketwatch.com. Then during the interview, talk about how your skill sets will add value to the company if hired. Just like a presidential candidate, be clear about how you would do this by using very specific examples of your past performances.
2. Show documentation of your success. Both presidential candidates produced video tapes, commercials and books to help show who they are and what they've stood for over the years. During the interview, provide your employer with letters of recommendation, awards and any certificates of excellent performance. (A lot of candidates forget how powerful this can be.)
3. Be Positive! Sit up straight in that interview and look your interviewer(s) in the eyes. You must smile, have a firm handshake and dress well. Most of all, you must be positive about who you are, where you have been and where you are going. Both presidential candidates know how to work a room. They were both always positive in delivering their message to the groups they reached out to. You must convey the same energy in the interview!
4. Know your facts. Although the candidates in this election didn't always give accurate facts, you must in the interview. Employers will ask you questions like "why did you leave your last job?" or "what kind of money are you looking for?" Be prepared to answer, "What is one of your weaknesses?" Be direct, honest and enthusiastic when answering.
5. Ask for the job! Just like the presidential candidates asked for your vote, you must ask the employer for the job and let the company know your level of interest. Too many candidates leave interviews without letting the company know that they are very interested in the position and would like to be considered. It is also a good time to ask if you can provide them with any other documentation to help in their decision process.
You are running a career campaign against other candidates. If you use these tips, you will separate yourself from the pack and when the company votes on their next hire; it will be you!
More importantly, just like our presidential candidates, you also have to let employers know how you will perform in the future. And this is exactly what will get you elected into your next job. I think a lot of job seekers do not spend enough time, before an interview, preparing their "speech" to a particular company; outlining the value he/she will bring to that company if employed.
It is your future value to a company that will get you hired. Here are some tips on how you can prepare for your speech (interview) to potential employers.
1. Really understand how the company that you are interviewing with makes money.Research the company using sites like Hoovers and Marketwatch.com. Then during the interview, talk about how your skill sets will add value to the company if hired. Just like a presidential candidate, be clear about how you would do this by using very specific examples of your past performances.
2. Show documentation of your success. Both presidential candidates produced video tapes, commercials and books to help show who they are and what they've stood for over the years. During the interview, provide your employer with letters of recommendation, awards and any certificates of excellent performance. (A lot of candidates forget how powerful this can be.)
3. Be Positive! Sit up straight in that interview and look your interviewer(s) in the eyes. You must smile, have a firm handshake and dress well. Most of all, you must be positive about who you are, where you have been and where you are going. Both presidential candidates know how to work a room. They were both always positive in delivering their message to the groups they reached out to. You must convey the same energy in the interview!
4. Know your facts. Although the candidates in this election didn't always give accurate facts, you must in the interview. Employers will ask you questions like "why did you leave your last job?" or "what kind of money are you looking for?" Be prepared to answer, "What is one of your weaknesses?" Be direct, honest and enthusiastic when answering.
5. Ask for the job! Just like the presidential candidates asked for your vote, you must ask the employer for the job and let the company know your level of interest. Too many candidates leave interviews without letting the company know that they are very interested in the position and would like to be considered. It is also a good time to ask if you can provide them with any other documentation to help in their decision process.
You are running a career campaign against other candidates. If you use these tips, you will separate yourself from the pack and when the company votes on their next hire; it will be you!
Friday, October 10, 2008
OrlandoJobs.com day at the CFHLA Hospitality Showcase was AWESOME!
The Central Florida Hotel Lodging Association (CFHLA.org) held its Hospitality Showcase on October 9, 2009 at Coronado Springs Resort at Disney World. The Orlando Jobs team had a wonderful time meeting so many of the area's top hospitality companies.
The theme for the showcase was go green! When OJ needs a great idea, we turn to Heather and she came up with the following "green theme" from Sesame Street!

Amy Christmas, Heather Dreyrieux, Brad Partridge (as Oscar), Missy Roncone, Roger Lear began the day at the booth handing out our "Save Paper, post your jobs online" postcard.
The CFHLA showcase was a great success. We enjoyed being there and seeing all the different ways Central Florida's leading industry is going green!

The theme for the showcase was go green! When OJ needs a great idea, we turn to Heather and she came up with the following "green theme" from Sesame Street!
Amy Christmas, Heather Dreyrieux, Brad Partridge (as Oscar), Missy Roncone, Roger Lear began the day at the booth handing out our "Save Paper, post your jobs online" postcard.
Of course, the team did have to visit with our friends at Best Buy and play some Rock Band!
The CFHLA showcase was a great success. We enjoyed being there and seeing all the different ways Central Florida's leading industry is going green!

Thursday, September 25, 2008
OrlandoJobs.com and GreatInsuranceJobs.com Work Day!
As part of our community service in Central Florida, OrlandoJobs.com and GreatInsuranceJobs.com joined forces to work with the United Way Day of Caring 2008. It was awesome to work together and help restore a courtyard used in a facility operated by the Center of Drug Free Living. Here is a short video of our very fun day!
Friday, August 22, 2008
Finding your Career Path. Great Read.
Recognizing Richard RabbitA Fable about Being True to Yourself
By: Peter Weddle
(Editors Note: Peter Weddle has written a new book that is a great read! I would highly suggest this book if you are trying to find your career. You may have a job but know there is something else out there. You may be in the middle of a job search and want to better understand what you really want to do. This book will really give you some great insight. - Roger Lear)
You can learn a lot from animals, especially whenyou listen with both your heart and your mind.
Recognizing Richard Rabbit is a fable for adults, young and not so young. In the genre of Who Moved My Cheese?, it is a tale about some forest friends who make an amazing discovery by trying to help one of their own. What do they learn? The key to uncovering your own true self. The secret to authentic living.
Even better, this book gives you two ways to find the answer; one in fiction, the other in nonfiction. The fable invites you to tap into your creative talent, while a parallel self-interview draws on your analytic ability. Each genre provides a different perspective; a different way of seeing the singular person you are meant to be.
Why bother? Because whether you are a recentgraduate or a Baby Boomer, whether you are looking for a way toget more satisfaction from your work or trying to reenter the workforce after an extended absence, the key to success is a deep understanding of the real you. That is the carrot this book offers … the You of your dreams.
If you are interested in ordering this book, please visit Amazon.com by clicking this link. the book is priced under $10.00.
By: Peter Weddle
(Editors Note: Peter Weddle has written a new book that is a great read! I would highly suggest this book if you are trying to find your career. You may have a job but know there is something else out there. You may be in the middle of a job search and want to better understand what you really want to do. This book will really give you some great insight. - Roger Lear)
You can learn a lot from animals, especially whenyou listen with both your heart and your mind.
Recognizing Richard Rabbit is a fable for adults, young and not so young. In the genre of Who Moved My Cheese?, it is a tale about some forest friends who make an amazing discovery by trying to help one of their own. What do they learn? The key to uncovering your own true self. The secret to authentic living.
Even better, this book gives you two ways to find the answer; one in fiction, the other in nonfiction. The fable invites you to tap into your creative talent, while a parallel self-interview draws on your analytic ability. Each genre provides a different perspective; a different way of seeing the singular person you are meant to be.
Why bother? Because whether you are a recentgraduate or a Baby Boomer, whether you are looking for a way toget more satisfaction from your work or trying to reenter the workforce after an extended absence, the key to success is a deep understanding of the real you. That is the carrot this book offers … the You of your dreams.
If you are interested in ordering this book, please visit Amazon.com by clicking this link. the book is priced under $10.00.
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
East Orlando Jobs Update
One of the most exciting things to happen in all of Central Florida in recent years is the development of Innovation Way and it’s happening right in our own back yards. The main thoroughfare on that side of town is Alafaya Trail. Of course, thoroughfare is a bit of a misnomer as the road is 1,000 feet short of actually connecting that side of town efficiently and effectively to the Beachline, the airport and more. But construction is set to begin in early 2009 to complete the road and once complete, Innovation way will explode on to the scene.
The key pillars are all in place to build such a high-tech corridor. Avalon Park Group has taken an interest in the area for years and is currently working on the largest residential real estate development in the area with 446 home sale closings in 2007. Those are impressive numbers regardless, but in a down market those numbers are spectacular!
East Orlando also boasts residency to UCF, the 7th largest university in the country. Attached to the university is the UCF Technology Incubator. UCF believes so much in building into the local economy that they’ve set aside space and developed programming to help small technology companies. The failure rate among small businesses is high, but almost all of Incubator residents survive – most thrive.
East Orlando is also home to the Central Florida Research Park (CFRP), one of the biggest in the country with 116 companies and 10,000 employees. It’s estimated that the CFRP will reach capacity in approximately 7 years. They are talking about building another facility along Innovation Way.
Of course, all of that activity on what will be the north end of Innovation Way is rounded out by what’s beginning at the south end near Moss Park: the development of a Medical City. The Florida Hospital has plans to build, along with a Burnham Institute for Medical, Nemours Children’s Clinic and there are plans to build a new VA Hospital. UCF is building a medical school near all of these well respected and established institutions which will provide plenty of opportunity for partnership. It should also be noted that the medical school will bring in millions of dollars for medical research and related jobs to the area.
So what does this mean to you? It means a broadening of Central Florida’s business infrastructure and a deepening of our community roots. Right now we have a primarily hospitality-based economy, which no one is knocking, but smart business people know that diversification is the key to success, including when it comes to building local economies.
Most importantly to you it means JOBS! No the jobs aren’t immediate, but sit tight, the jobs will come. And the next question on everyone’s mind is where it gets interesting: Am I qualified for these high tech jobs? However, that’s not what’s important! If you’re qualified you know it. If you’re not, still, as our community grows, there will be resulting needs – and therefore jobs! – for everything from apples to administrators and from zinnias to zippy ad slogans.
So what are you waiting for? Keep your eyes on Innovation Way for the future and for now, keep your eyes on OrlandoJobs.com – we are where the jobs are!
(This Blog post contributed by Amy Christmas, OrlandoJobs.com Account Manager)
The key pillars are all in place to build such a high-tech corridor. Avalon Park Group has taken an interest in the area for years and is currently working on the largest residential real estate development in the area with 446 home sale closings in 2007. Those are impressive numbers regardless, but in a down market those numbers are spectacular!
East Orlando also boasts residency to UCF, the 7th largest university in the country. Attached to the university is the UCF Technology Incubator. UCF believes so much in building into the local economy that they’ve set aside space and developed programming to help small technology companies. The failure rate among small businesses is high, but almost all of Incubator residents survive – most thrive.
East Orlando is also home to the Central Florida Research Park (CFRP), one of the biggest in the country with 116 companies and 10,000 employees. It’s estimated that the CFRP will reach capacity in approximately 7 years. They are talking about building another facility along Innovation Way.
Of course, all of that activity on what will be the north end of Innovation Way is rounded out by what’s beginning at the south end near Moss Park: the development of a Medical City. The Florida Hospital has plans to build, along with a Burnham Institute for Medical, Nemours Children’s Clinic and there are plans to build a new VA Hospital. UCF is building a medical school near all of these well respected and established institutions which will provide plenty of opportunity for partnership. It should also be noted that the medical school will bring in millions of dollars for medical research and related jobs to the area.
So what does this mean to you? It means a broadening of Central Florida’s business infrastructure and a deepening of our community roots. Right now we have a primarily hospitality-based economy, which no one is knocking, but smart business people know that diversification is the key to success, including when it comes to building local economies.
Most importantly to you it means JOBS! No the jobs aren’t immediate, but sit tight, the jobs will come. And the next question on everyone’s mind is where it gets interesting: Am I qualified for these high tech jobs? However, that’s not what’s important! If you’re qualified you know it. If you’re not, still, as our community grows, there will be resulting needs – and therefore jobs! – for everything from apples to administrators and from zinnias to zippy ad slogans.
So what are you waiting for? Keep your eyes on Innovation Way for the future and for now, keep your eyes on OrlandoJobs.com – we are where the jobs are!
(This Blog post contributed by Amy Christmas, OrlandoJobs.com Account Manager)
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Read Career Blogs to help you in your Job Search and Career Development
The blogging community can provide you with fantastic career information that can help in many ways. Career blogs are becoming a very good source for questions you may have about your job search. For example, there are blogs dedicated to how to ask for a promotion; searching for jobs; networking; background checks; video resumes; personality profile testing; and virtually any career question you may have.
Today, I would like to provide you with a list of some of the best career blogs on the internet. You must first understand that blogs come in all shapes and sizes. Depending on the type of information you seek, pay attention to who the author of the blog is to make sure they are qualified to give you solid career advice.
Career Blogs can be broken up into these categories:
Company Blogs: Official career blogs of the company you are considering working for. These are very informative and include things like the day in the life of an employee, company announcements, podcasts and videos about company jobs and corporate culture.
Career Website Blogs: Sites like www.OrlandoJobs.com have blogs that speak directly to a niche community.
Professional Career Bloggers: Professionals in the career field write blogs about almost anything. Go to sites like www.careerxroads.com and www.careerjournal.com to find some excellent information.Executive Search Firms: A lot of search firms have blogs that give great career advice from interview tips to resume writing. Go and visit sites like A.E. Feldman http://blog.aefeldman.com. They have an excellent blog for financial, accounting and legal trends.Social Network Sites:
Sites like LinkedIn and Facebook both have very good career blogs.Personal Blogs: There are some great people writing blogs that can provide you a wealth of information. Alexandra Levit is a great example, www.alexandralevit.typepad.com/wcw.
Here are some blogs to check out. You can always search for career blogs at Google or Typepad. Also, most of the Fortune 500 companies have a career blog.
Employment Digest.net
CareerAdviceBlogs.com (grabs blog postings from all over the internet)
Moving On Up
Six Degrees From Dave
Electronic Recruiting Exchange Blog Network
Fast Company
Once at a career blog, check their blog roll and it will lead you to 1,000's of other blogs. Just make sure to have plenty of time set aside!
Today, I would like to provide you with a list of some of the best career blogs on the internet. You must first understand that blogs come in all shapes and sizes. Depending on the type of information you seek, pay attention to who the author of the blog is to make sure they are qualified to give you solid career advice.
Career Blogs can be broken up into these categories:
Company Blogs: Official career blogs of the company you are considering working for. These are very informative and include things like the day in the life of an employee, company announcements, podcasts and videos about company jobs and corporate culture.
Career Website Blogs: Sites like www.OrlandoJobs.com have blogs that speak directly to a niche community.
Professional Career Bloggers: Professionals in the career field write blogs about almost anything. Go to sites like www.careerxroads.com and www.careerjournal.com to find some excellent information.Executive Search Firms: A lot of search firms have blogs that give great career advice from interview tips to resume writing. Go and visit sites like A.E. Feldman http://blog.aefeldman.com. They have an excellent blog for financial, accounting and legal trends.Social Network Sites:
Sites like LinkedIn and Facebook both have very good career blogs.Personal Blogs: There are some great people writing blogs that can provide you a wealth of information. Alexandra Levit is a great example, www.alexandralevit.typepad.com/wcw.
Here are some blogs to check out. You can always search for career blogs at Google or Typepad. Also, most of the Fortune 500 companies have a career blog.
Employment Digest.net
CareerAdviceBlogs.com (grabs blog postings from all over the internet)
Moving On Up
Six Degrees From Dave
Electronic Recruiting Exchange Blog Network
Fast Company
Once at a career blog, check their blog roll and it will lead you to 1,000's of other blogs. Just make sure to have plenty of time set aside!
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Innovation Way- Jobs Now and in the Future in Orlando!
Coming in July, OrlandoJobs.com, Insight Magazine and the East Orlando Chamber of Commerce will partner to showcase employers in the Innovation Way Corridor. This area is a cluster for high-tech, and soon bio-tech, companies whose employees enjoy a close relationship with the University of Central Florida, easy proximity to Orlando International Airport, and the most family-friendly atmosphere in which to live.
This industry is centered in Innovation Way. Our Employment Showcase will highlight the companies that are currently in East/Southeast Orlando and showcase what they do, as well as what jobs they have now and anticipate for the future. In addition, we'll be profiling the companies with plans to move or open in this area in the coming months.
From the Waterford Lakes area to East Orlando, Avalon Park, Moss Park and Lake Nona, this area is burgeoning on both the business development front, as well as seeing a continuation of residential influx. Lake Nona is being called "The Medical City" for the number of bio-tech firms, research facilities and hospitals choosing to locate here. However, this showcase is not just for high-tech companies; every kind of business located in the Innovation Way Corridor is important to its development and success.
"We will see thousands of high paying jobs created by organizations and companies locating and expanding in Innovation Way and the Medical City, and along with those jobs will come the need for support jobs such as retail, housing, construction and others," says Carol Ann Dykes of UCF's Technology Incubator.
We are excited about the opportunity to preview Innovation Way and the the companies that already reside in this area! Here is some additional information about Central Florida’s number one job growth area.
Official Orange County Information about Innovation Way
Innovation Way Map
Metro Orlando Economic Development Commission Information
Temporary Access Road connecting Innovation Way to Beachline
UCF Medical School Information
This industry is centered in Innovation Way. Our Employment Showcase will highlight the companies that are currently in East/Southeast Orlando and showcase what they do, as well as what jobs they have now and anticipate for the future. In addition, we'll be profiling the companies with plans to move or open in this area in the coming months.
From the Waterford Lakes area to East Orlando, Avalon Park, Moss Park and Lake Nona, this area is burgeoning on both the business development front, as well as seeing a continuation of residential influx. Lake Nona is being called "The Medical City" for the number of bio-tech firms, research facilities and hospitals choosing to locate here. However, this showcase is not just for high-tech companies; every kind of business located in the Innovation Way Corridor is important to its development and success.
"We will see thousands of high paying jobs created by organizations and companies locating and expanding in Innovation Way and the Medical City, and along with those jobs will come the need for support jobs such as retail, housing, construction and others," says Carol Ann Dykes of UCF's Technology Incubator.
We are excited about the opportunity to preview Innovation Way and the the companies that already reside in this area! Here is some additional information about Central Florida’s number one job growth area.
Official Orange County Information about Innovation Way
Innovation Way Map
Metro Orlando Economic Development Commission Information
Temporary Access Road connecting Innovation Way to Beachline
UCF Medical School Information
Monday, May 19, 2008
Central Florida Region leads the State in adding New Jobs (6,200 of them)!
Yes, we are always looking for the good news in Central Florida Employment. Like you, I read the headlines and follow the statistics. On Saturday, we found out that the Orlando area added a lot of jobs. You can read the story about 6,200 new jobs added in April in Central Florida. The unemployment rate is holding steady as well at 4.9%. So what gives? Why are we not having street parties celebrating that the Orlando region is in a “glass bubble”, not affected by unemployment issue other states have? Why can the Orlando Job market breath at little easier when all you read about is gloom and doom?
The answer is…..Hospitality and healthcare! Once again, Central Florida is proving why we are on the path to becoming a WORLD CLASS CITY. We lend the world a tremendous tourist activity with all the venue’s we offer. The foreign travel to our country and particular Orlando is keeping the lights on. Our regions investments in advertising globally and in North America are paying huge dividends driving visitors.
All this means are jobs.
At OrlandoJobs.com, it is a fact that our clients are being more careful to hire in these market conditions. With home prices falling and gas almost at 4.00 a gallon, it kind of does feel a little bad out there. However, you live in a region that we have outstanding opportunities. If you are an accountant, look in the healthcare and hospitality industry. That is where the action is and no matter what you do, companies in those areas could have a job that meets your requirements. They have a lot of hourly jobs, but they also have a lot of professional jobs!
The answer is…..Hospitality and healthcare! Once again, Central Florida is proving why we are on the path to becoming a WORLD CLASS CITY. We lend the world a tremendous tourist activity with all the venue’s we offer. The foreign travel to our country and particular Orlando is keeping the lights on. Our regions investments in advertising globally and in North America are paying huge dividends driving visitors.
All this means are jobs.
At OrlandoJobs.com, it is a fact that our clients are being more careful to hire in these market conditions. With home prices falling and gas almost at 4.00 a gallon, it kind of does feel a little bad out there. However, you live in a region that we have outstanding opportunities. If you are an accountant, look in the healthcare and hospitality industry. That is where the action is and no matter what you do, companies in those areas could have a job that meets your requirements. They have a lot of hourly jobs, but they also have a lot of professional jobs!
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Finding a Job in a Recession (if you believe that we are in one)
Recession or no recession, there are jobs out there. If you start believing every story you read, you will never find a good job. While the unemployment rate is ticking up, we are still creating jobs each and every month. Orlando jobs and jobs in Central Florida are are in need of good candidates. It just is a little harder to find them.
Here are some tips to help you find your next job.
1) DO NOT send your resume to every job on every job board. While this gives the job seeker a feeling they are working hard to find a job, 98% of the applications you will make are worthless. Focus more on targeting your job to your skill sets. Use job boards, networking, friends, conferences and neighbors to help you in your search.
2) Apply your skill sets to the area of the economy that is actually in an upswing. For example, in Orlando, technology, hospitality and healthcare are always looking for great people. (
Can your skill sets adapt to these companies?
3) Talk with the regional business center for Central Florida(http://www.orlandoedc.com/) and find out what new companies are moving into the area. A lot of time, you can get some great leads for major and minor companies who are looking for employees.
4) Attend as many networking events as you can. Every day, many types of lead groups, networking groups and friends group meet. These are AWESOME for developing leads and letting people know you are looking for a new job. Don’t be bashful. In my opinion, this is the best way to find out what is out there!
5) Target companies you want to work for and research their employment websites for work. Believe it or not, not every job is on a job board. Job seekers don’t take the time to go to each company’s website DIRECTLY to look at opportunities.
6) Be energetic! Smile, have a plan, execute your plan and don’t let those around you bring you down. Some company out there needs you and in times like these, you have to be positive and find them.
Pick out your best skill set and plan your job search around it. You are your job search and with some great enthusiasm, you will have a great advantage over your competition. Finally, the internet is full of advice and resources for your job search. If you concentrate your time on the above suggestions, you will be surprised at the outcome. Good luck and email if you have any questions.
Here are some tips to help you find your next job.
1) DO NOT send your resume to every job on every job board. While this gives the job seeker a feeling they are working hard to find a job, 98% of the applications you will make are worthless. Focus more on targeting your job to your skill sets. Use job boards, networking, friends, conferences and neighbors to help you in your search.
2) Apply your skill sets to the area of the economy that is actually in an upswing. For example, in Orlando, technology, hospitality and healthcare are always looking for great people. (
Can your skill sets adapt to these companies?
3) Talk with the regional business center for Central Florida(http://www.orlandoedc.com/) and find out what new companies are moving into the area. A lot of time, you can get some great leads for major and minor companies who are looking for employees.
4) Attend as many networking events as you can. Every day, many types of lead groups, networking groups and friends group meet. These are AWESOME for developing leads and letting people know you are looking for a new job. Don’t be bashful. In my opinion, this is the best way to find out what is out there!
5) Target companies you want to work for and research their employment websites for work. Believe it or not, not every job is on a job board. Job seekers don’t take the time to go to each company’s website DIRECTLY to look at opportunities.
6) Be energetic! Smile, have a plan, execute your plan and don’t let those around you bring you down. Some company out there needs you and in times like these, you have to be positive and find them.
Pick out your best skill set and plan your job search around it. You are your job search and with some great enthusiasm, you will have a great advantage over your competition. Finally, the internet is full of advice and resources for your job search. If you concentrate your time on the above suggestions, you will be surprised at the outcome. Good luck and email if you have any questions.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Recession Proof Your Orlando Job Today!
I have been getting a lot of emails from candidates in the last couple of months wondering what they can do to “recession proof” their jobs. The economists that work for the federal government consider “full employment” at 4.0%. Currently, the national rate is 4.9%. Our national unemployment rate is the early 90’s was almost 10%. We made it through that period and we will make it through this one as well. I do think insurance jobs are a little more recession proof then most, but your employer may be looking for ways to cut the budget.
We did learn quite a bit however about things workers did to hold on to their jobs or prepare for change. Here are my suggestions to recession proof your job:
1) Understand the financials of your company. While you may get this information directly, you can get a sense how your company is doing by polling the sales staff. If you determine that the “writing is on the wall”, start looking immediately for another company that needs your skill sets. (Home builders, mortgage etc.) DO NOT WAIT to be let go. Be active in your job search at your timetable. If you can avoid being “let go” because you changed jobs first, you win.
2) Schedule your overdue review with your manager. Find out how you are doing in your job and what else you can do for the company that would add value. Yes, you may have to prove to your company that you want to stay there and that you don’t mind going the extra mile. The more value you can add, the safer your job.
3) Update your skills. Education is king and most employers appreciate your commitment to learning. Take a night class, computer class or update your credentials. Whatever you do, make sure you let your employer know.
4) Can you do the jobs of others in your company? Always breakdown the different departments in the company you work to see if you can change internally (do you have job flexibility?) if your job was eliminated. If you are a claims supervisor, do you have the skill sets to be at litigation specialist? If you do, remind your boss that you can do that job.
5) Be involved in professional organizations and trade groups. Network, network and network. Just because your current company may be gloom and doom, others in your same industry may be prospering. Take every opportunity to meet your peers from other companies. It could be the best thing you ever did!
6) Have a great attitude. To me, altitude is everything and will get you wherever you want to go in your career. If your company has to make some serious job cuts and you are in a group of 12 where 6 of you will be laid off, they will never lay off the person with the best attitude.
Here is just one more thought.
No one knows if the economy is in a recession. However, no matter what the people want you to believe, the job you have today is for real and you control certain aspects of it. These recessions proof tips should be practiced at ALL times to ensure you are getting the most from your career.
We did learn quite a bit however about things workers did to hold on to their jobs or prepare for change. Here are my suggestions to recession proof your job:
1) Understand the financials of your company. While you may get this information directly, you can get a sense how your company is doing by polling the sales staff. If you determine that the “writing is on the wall”, start looking immediately for another company that needs your skill sets. (Home builders, mortgage etc.) DO NOT WAIT to be let go. Be active in your job search at your timetable. If you can avoid being “let go” because you changed jobs first, you win.
2) Schedule your overdue review with your manager. Find out how you are doing in your job and what else you can do for the company that would add value. Yes, you may have to prove to your company that you want to stay there and that you don’t mind going the extra mile. The more value you can add, the safer your job.
3) Update your skills. Education is king and most employers appreciate your commitment to learning. Take a night class, computer class or update your credentials. Whatever you do, make sure you let your employer know.
4) Can you do the jobs of others in your company? Always breakdown the different departments in the company you work to see if you can change internally (do you have job flexibility?) if your job was eliminated. If you are a claims supervisor, do you have the skill sets to be at litigation specialist? If you do, remind your boss that you can do that job.
5) Be involved in professional organizations and trade groups. Network, network and network. Just because your current company may be gloom and doom, others in your same industry may be prospering. Take every opportunity to meet your peers from other companies. It could be the best thing you ever did!
6) Have a great attitude. To me, altitude is everything and will get you wherever you want to go in your career. If your company has to make some serious job cuts and you are in a group of 12 where 6 of you will be laid off, they will never lay off the person with the best attitude.
Here is just one more thought.
No one knows if the economy is in a recession. However, no matter what the people want you to believe, the job you have today is for real and you control certain aspects of it. These recessions proof tips should be practiced at ALL times to ensure you are getting the most from your career.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
OrlandoJobs.com is moving to its New Building!
As we continue to grow, we are finally moving to our new digs at 43 East Pine Street in downtown Orlando. Beginning Monday (March 17), we will be “officially” in our new building.
The move itself has been very interesting. We have a lot of “junk” in our old offices that hopefully will be recycled.
If you do have any problems getting through to us this Friday or Monday, please just leave a message and someone will be back with you as soon as possible.
Our new offices are completely upgraded to provide our candidates and clients with top technology and outstanding customer service. We are looking forward to working with you all! Stay tuned and I will be posting some interior shots as well in the near future.
Our New Address:
43 East Pine
Orlando, FL 32801
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
OrlandoJobs.com meets Job Seekers at the Downtown Art & Living Expo

OrlandoJobs.com was part of the downtown Art & Living Expo. More than 15,000 folks attended and had a chance to experience live music, food and more than 100 fine-art and fine-craft exhibits. The expo was held at Lake Eola in downtown Orlando.
“We love community events because it gives us a chance to meet our candidate community who are looking for work" Danielle Bernhard (marketing director) said. "Being able to talk to our candidates in settings like this also give us great ideas on how to make the website better."
Even though the weather was a little rainy on Saturday, we really enjoyed meeting so many Central Florida residents.
“We love community events because it gives us a chance to meet our candidate community who are looking for work" Danielle Bernhard (marketing director) said. "Being able to talk to our candidates in settings like this also give us great ideas on how to make the website better."
Even though the weather was a little rainy on Saturday, we really enjoyed meeting so many Central Florida residents.
Monday, February 18, 2008
Daytona 500 and Orlando Jobs...what?

OrlandoJobs.com ventured to the Daytona 500 again this year and had a great time meeting a lot of people. It is still hard to imagine that over 200,000 people attend this race. My driver is Jeff Gordon (don't hold that against me) and he didn't do so well.
We don't have a blimp yet, but the Good Year Blimp is the the one we would like to be!

Unlike Jeff Gordon's run in the 500, Central Florida is full of great great opportuntiy if you are looking for work!
Monday, February 11, 2008
OrlandoJobs.com purchases Historic Building in Downtown Orlando!

OrlandoJobs.com, Central Florida’s employment website, is moving their offices, along with their sister companies Great Insurance Jobs.com , Staff Orlando and Lear & Associates to its brand new headquarters at 43 East Pine in downtown Orlando on March 14th.
“We purchased the building in December and immediately recognized the great opportunity to move OrlandoJobs.com into the heart of the city. The building will be a visible landmark for candidates and clients” said Roger Lear, President of OrlandoJobs.com.
Scott Kotroba, co-founder of OrlandoJobs.com added,” We cater to the great companies in Central Florida looking for talent. To do that, we have to be physically visible in Central Florida as well as online. The purchase of this historic building will help us further connect with the great employers and candidates of Central Florida.”
OrlandoJobs.com is currently operating out of its office on North Orange Ave. For additional information, visit OrlandoJobs.com or call 407-645-4224.
“We purchased the building in December and immediately recognized the great opportunity to move OrlandoJobs.com into the heart of the city. The building will be a visible landmark for candidates and clients” said Roger Lear, President of OrlandoJobs.com.
Scott Kotroba, co-founder of OrlandoJobs.com added,” We cater to the great companies in Central Florida looking for talent. To do that, we have to be physically visible in Central Florida as well as online. The purchase of this historic building will help us further connect with the great employers and candidates of Central Florida.”
OrlandoJobs.com is currently operating out of its office on North Orange Ave. For additional information, visit OrlandoJobs.com or call 407-645-4224.
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
University of Central Florida Career Fair - Find Unique Jobs before anyone else!
OrlandoJobs.com recently participated in the University of Central Florida Career Fair on February 4, 2008 at the UCF Arena. Over 200 hundred potential employers and a lot of students had a great opportunity to meet one another.
I had the opportunity to talk with quite a few employers because I was curious about the types of candidates they are looking for as well as their thoughts about the so called “recession”. What I found was great news if you are a college graduate or Alumni entering the workforce!
Here are some of the jobs that were available:
1) Accounting Positions
2) Engineering Positions
3) Marketing Positions
4) Law Enforcement
5) Hospitality
6) Technology Positions
7) Teaching/Education Positions
8) Sales Positions
I was very impressed with the amount of positions and the quality of the jobs at this event. One company in particular caught my interest and had some unique jobs and interesting product. IZEA, who is located in downtown Orlando, has a product called Pay Per Post. I spoke with IZEA's controllor David Bates and he was excited about this company. According to David, the company started in 2007 started with only 7 employees. Today, it has over 50 and growing with a blogging/advertising product that is quickly becoming a new way on the internet to market products using blogs.
IZEA has many opportunities. I like how one of their departments is called “customer love”. They also have a great employment brand (employers please take note on how to describe your employment brand in words):
“Each month we celebrate birthdays with ceremonial cakeplows. We ring new initiates in with tequila shots. We play football together and hang out on the weekends. If you enjoy the corporate world, if you are easily offended or think it is wrong to wear flip flops to work, this probably isn't the right place for you.”
That is what is great about career fairs. You sometimes can find out about future great companies before they become the next Google!

I had the opportunity to talk with quite a few employers because I was curious about the types of candidates they are looking for as well as their thoughts about the so called “recession”. What I found was great news if you are a college graduate or Alumni entering the workforce!
Here are some of the jobs that were available:
1) Accounting Positions
2) Engineering Positions
3) Marketing Positions
4) Law Enforcement
5) Hospitality
6) Technology Positions
7) Teaching/Education Positions
8) Sales Positions
I was very impressed with the amount of positions and the quality of the jobs at this event. One company in particular caught my interest and had some unique jobs and interesting product. IZEA, who is located in downtown Orlando, has a product called Pay Per Post. I spoke with IZEA's controllor David Bates and he was excited about this company. According to David, the company started in 2007 started with only 7 employees. Today, it has over 50 and growing with a blogging/advertising product that is quickly becoming a new way on the internet to market products using blogs.
IZEA has many opportunities. I like how one of their departments is called “customer love”. They also have a great employment brand (employers please take note on how to describe your employment brand in words):
“Each month we celebrate birthdays with ceremonial cakeplows. We ring new initiates in with tequila shots. We play football together and hang out on the weekends. If you enjoy the corporate world, if you are easily offended or think it is wrong to wear flip flops to work, this probably isn't the right place for you.”
That is what is great about career fairs. You sometimes can find out about future great companies before they become the next Google!
Friday, February 01, 2008
Central Florida Employment Council – Great Career Resource
I absolutely love The Central Florida Employment Council (CFEC.org) tagline, “Central Florida's premier employment and career network, serving greater Orlando with integrity!” If you have not heard of CFEC, I would like to introduce this outstanding resource you can use for career help in Central Florida. They are a non-profit organization that is committed to helping anyone in the area find employment.
Here are some of the services they perform for free (and a lot of generous support from the community)
· Resume Help
· Career Counseling
· Job Referrals
· Job Website (listings from Central Florida Employers)
Here are some of the services they perform for free (and a lot of generous support from the community)
· Resume Help
· Career Counseling
· Job Referrals
· Job Website (listings from Central Florida Employers)
In addition to all those resources, they host Five Job Fairs every year. They are the largest, most attended job fairs in the area. Thos past January, over 5,000 candidates came out to visit with over 100 companies looking to hire. The next career fair will be on March 19, 2008 from noon to 4:00pm at the Central Florida Fair grounds.
We are so lucky in Central Florida to have such a great resource and a wonderful group of people that want to help you with your job search. Dick Wilson founded the organization and Sandi Vidal is now the executive director. Their team of volunteers and employees are truly special people!
Executive Director Sandi Vidal of CFEC (pictured left)
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Forget the internet, get your next job by attending Networking Groups!
This Orlando Jobs Blog post is written by David Doerges. He is the founder of Founder & CEO of Free Networking International. His website is www.FreeNetworkingInternational.com. This article deals with a great approach finding your next job by networking. Enjoy!
Business Networking, the Door to Your Ideal Job or Career
Your ideal job or career is waiting for you and you can find it through business networking!
There are hundreds of business networking opportunities, enough to fill your calendar almost every day and evening. How can these networking opportunities help you?
"Every networker has 250+ contacts" These networkers can open the door to unlimited opportunities for YOU!" All you need to know are the secrets to effective and efficient networking!" AND… the specialized aspects of career search networking!
You are looking for your ideal job, career or opportunity? Business networking will work! Most networkers are selling a product or service, so different strategies and techniques apply for you. Career searchers usually have a hard time getting results networking, not only because they are missing the secret keys of networking, but also because they are coming from a different angle that requires a few specific dos and don'ts.
Here are the 5 biggest mistakes job and career seekers make networking:
1) They have not clearly narrowed down and defined their ideal job or career.
2) They can not clearly and concisely describe to others their ideal job or career and what they bring to the table.
3) They don't know the process of effective and efficient networking.
4) They do not have a business card that works.
5) They don't have a real network.
What should you do?
1) You must know exactly what you want. You should be able to describe in detail and picture yourself doing it in your ideal working environment. Work out these details:
a) What are your Values?
b) From this create your Personal Mission Statement.
c) Write the specific details of the job, career or opportunity that best fits what you WANT to do.
d) Write the specific details of the owners, managers and people you will be working with; and the working environment you want to be in.
e) Write the specific details of what you will bring to the table.
f) Write a list of areas you will improve that will make you even more attractive to your ideal company or opportunity.
g) Review this list daily.
2) When you know exactly what you want you must be able to then describe it clearly and concisely to others. Networkers will be willing to help you. But if they do not understand exactly what you want, what talents, skills and benefits you offer, and exactly what contacts will help you within one minute, they are unlikely to spend more time with you and give you contacts that will help you. Basically they are there to sell their product and service and can not afford to spend time figuring out what you want, what you offer and who you want to contact. Even though they are friendly and polite, these are the facts.
3) Successful business networking will create unlimited people to WANTING to go out of their way to help you. Most people will be willing to help you briefly if they understand exactly what you want. But 90% will be willing to go out of their way to help you more extensively if you know how to network. The key is to effectively help them advance their business or dream. Efficient networking is doing this in 20 minutes for each person you meet. To do this you must have a network you can instantly access. You must ask detailed What Do You Do? questions. You must ask What Do You Need Now? questions. Then you will need to give them at least 3 - 4 valuable contacts. Now, after you have done this, is the perfect time to tell them what you are looking for, the benefits you offer and ask for Who Do You Knows? … the contacts you are looking for.
4) A business card that clearly and concisely describes exactly what you are looking for and your qualifying skills is very important. This gives your contacts something to review and pass on. Most career searchers have a card with just their name and contact info. Networkers will not remember your details even if you told them, so this "no details" card has very little value for you. The card will have much more value if you use the front and back and include what training and skills you bring to the table and describe your ideal career, even including your mission statement, your ideal work environment and your desired annual income.
5) Having a network doesn't mean memory of bunch of people you know, that you might be able to think of. A real network is a system of categorizing your contacts so you can instantly give valuable contacts to everyone they meet. It is often a great asset for future career associates. Use business card sheets in a binder and categorized the sheets alphabetically by industry.
Business networking is the more powerful way to attract your ideal job, career or opportunity.
Apply these tips and practice! Your ultimate opportunity is waiting for you!
Thanks David for an excellent Post!
Business Networking, the Door to Your Ideal Job or Career
Your ideal job or career is waiting for you and you can find it through business networking!
There are hundreds of business networking opportunities, enough to fill your calendar almost every day and evening. How can these networking opportunities help you?
"Every networker has 250+ contacts" These networkers can open the door to unlimited opportunities for YOU!" All you need to know are the secrets to effective and efficient networking!" AND… the specialized aspects of career search networking!
You are looking for your ideal job, career or opportunity? Business networking will work! Most networkers are selling a product or service, so different strategies and techniques apply for you. Career searchers usually have a hard time getting results networking, not only because they are missing the secret keys of networking, but also because they are coming from a different angle that requires a few specific dos and don'ts.
Here are the 5 biggest mistakes job and career seekers make networking:
1) They have not clearly narrowed down and defined their ideal job or career.
2) They can not clearly and concisely describe to others their ideal job or career and what they bring to the table.
3) They don't know the process of effective and efficient networking.
4) They do not have a business card that works.
5) They don't have a real network.
What should you do?
1) You must know exactly what you want. You should be able to describe in detail and picture yourself doing it in your ideal working environment. Work out these details:
a) What are your Values?
b) From this create your Personal Mission Statement.
c) Write the specific details of the job, career or opportunity that best fits what you WANT to do.
d) Write the specific details of the owners, managers and people you will be working with; and the working environment you want to be in.
e) Write the specific details of what you will bring to the table.
f) Write a list of areas you will improve that will make you even more attractive to your ideal company or opportunity.
g) Review this list daily.
2) When you know exactly what you want you must be able to then describe it clearly and concisely to others. Networkers will be willing to help you. But if they do not understand exactly what you want, what talents, skills and benefits you offer, and exactly what contacts will help you within one minute, they are unlikely to spend more time with you and give you contacts that will help you. Basically they are there to sell their product and service and can not afford to spend time figuring out what you want, what you offer and who you want to contact. Even though they are friendly and polite, these are the facts.
3) Successful business networking will create unlimited people to WANTING to go out of their way to help you. Most people will be willing to help you briefly if they understand exactly what you want. But 90% will be willing to go out of their way to help you more extensively if you know how to network. The key is to effectively help them advance their business or dream. Efficient networking is doing this in 20 minutes for each person you meet. To do this you must have a network you can instantly access. You must ask detailed What Do You Do? questions. You must ask What Do You Need Now? questions. Then you will need to give them at least 3 - 4 valuable contacts. Now, after you have done this, is the perfect time to tell them what you are looking for, the benefits you offer and ask for Who Do You Knows? … the contacts you are looking for.
4) A business card that clearly and concisely describes exactly what you are looking for and your qualifying skills is very important. This gives your contacts something to review and pass on. Most career searchers have a card with just their name and contact info. Networkers will not remember your details even if you told them, so this "no details" card has very little value for you. The card will have much more value if you use the front and back and include what training and skills you bring to the table and describe your ideal career, even including your mission statement, your ideal work environment and your desired annual income.
5) Having a network doesn't mean memory of bunch of people you know, that you might be able to think of. A real network is a system of categorizing your contacts so you can instantly give valuable contacts to everyone they meet. It is often a great asset for future career associates. Use business card sheets in a binder and categorized the sheets alphabetically by industry.
Business networking is the more powerful way to attract your ideal job, career or opportunity.
Apply these tips and practice! Your ultimate opportunity is waiting for you!
Thanks David for an excellent Post!
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