Friday, August 22, 2008

Finding your Career Path. Great Read.

Recognizing Richard RabbitA Fable about Being True to Yourself
By: Peter Weddle

(Editors Note: Peter Weddle has written a new book that is a great read! I would highly suggest this book if you are trying to find your career. You may have a job but know there is something else out there. You may be in the middle of a job search and want to better understand what you really want to do. This book will really give you some great insight. - Roger Lear)

You can learn a lot from animals, especially whenyou listen with both your heart and your mind.
Recognizing Richard Rabbit is a fable for adults, young and not so young. In the genre of Who Moved My Cheese?, it is a tale about some forest friends who make an amazing discovery by trying to help one of their own. What do they learn? The key to uncovering your own true self. The secret to authentic living.

Even better, this book gives you two ways to find the answer; one in fiction, the other in nonfiction. The fable invites you to tap into your creative talent, while a parallel self-interview draws on your analytic ability. Each genre provides a different perspective; a different way of seeing the singular person you are meant to be.

Why bother? Because whether you are a recentgraduate or a Baby Boomer, whether you are looking for a way toget more satisfaction from your work or trying to reenter the workforce after an extended absence, the key to success is a deep understanding of the real you. That is the carrot this book offers … the You of your dreams.

If you are interested in ordering this book, please visit by clicking this link. the book is priced under $10.00.

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