Friday, October 10, 2008 day at the CFHLA Hospitality Showcase was AWESOME!

The Central Florida Hotel Lodging Association ( held its Hospitality Showcase on October 9, 2009 at Coronado Springs Resort at Disney World. The Orlando Jobs team had a wonderful time meeting so many of the area's top hospitality companies.

The theme for the showcase was go green! When OJ needs a great idea, we turn to Heather and she came up with the following "green theme" from Sesame Street!

Amy Christmas, Heather Dreyrieux, Brad Partridge (as Oscar), Missy Roncone, Roger Lear began the day at the booth handing out our "Save Paper, post your jobs online" postcard.

Of course, the team did have to visit with our friends at Best Buy and play some Rock Band!

The CFHLA showcase was a great success. We enjoyed being there and seeing all the different ways Central Florida's leading industry is going green!