Saturday, February 25, 2006

Great Interview Questions

Van Thaxton is a retired human resource consultant living in San Diego. She has written extensively about the interview process. If you are interviewing a potential candidate or want to prepare better for your own interview, these questions are good ones! It will make the person your interviewing think. If you are interviewing, it can give you an opportunity to open up to a potential employer. They are not yes and no types of questions.

The Interview Questions:

1) "Can you explain that?" This can press the candidate to give you details about a particular situation.

2) "Paint me a picture of your work day?" You would be surprised of the answers.

3) "If your former boss was here right now, what would they say about you?" This is a great question because it is based on real-life relationships.

4) "Is there anything you would change about your former company?" This can reveal a candidates personality.

5) "An employee comes to you with sensitive information. What do you do?" How does a potential employee deal with a sticky subject?

6) "What else can you tell me?" Give the candidate a chance to open up.

I really like the idea behind Van's questions. If you are interviewing a potential candidate, it may give you additional insight into someones potential. If you are a candidate, it will help separate you from the competition. It is very competitive for the best jobs and anythinseparatean do sperate yourself from the pack is good!

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